Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Preimplantation genetic testing is a technique that is used to identify genetic disorders in embryos created through in vitro fertilization or ICSI. Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) refers to techniques where embryos from presumed chromosomally normal genetic parents are screened for aneuploidy. PGD and PGS are presently the only options available for avoiding a high risk of […]
Three Parent IVF

Three-Parent IVF using mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT) is an innovation , giving hope to those families with inheritable mitochondrial disorders that they may be able to have healthy offsprings . This technology has enabled us to get rid of certain fatal diseases to be inherited from one generation to another. In brief the technique uses […]
Menstural Cycle

The menstrual cycle starts with the first day of the period and ends when the next period begins.Hormone signals are sent back and forth between the brain and the ovaries, causing changes to the sacs in the ovaries that contain eggs (follicles) and the uterus. The first part of the cycle prepares an egg to […]

Endometrial polyps

POLYPS AND SIGNIFICANCE IN FERTILITY Endometrial polyps are focal growths of the uterine mucosa and consist of endometrial glands, stroma and blood vessels. Uterine polyps are found in 10 % of female population .They are mostly identified during investigations for abnormal uterine bleeding and infertility. Association between endometrial polyps and subfertility is controversial, many women with polyps […]

Infertility, explained as a failure to achieve a pregnancy after atleast twelve months of regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. Obesity is a known modifiable risk factor for female infertility and can affect maternal health; it also puts the offspring’s health at risk. As such, addressing obesity in women , especially if women of reproductive age […]

Embryoscopy (time-lapse)

TIME LAPSE TECHNOLOGY AND USES In the past few decades there have been many advances in the technologies used in IVF . Still some improvements are required, one such thing is that due to relatively low implantation rate multiple embryos need to be transferred during IVF which leads to multiple gestation.Nearly 20 percentage of IVF pregnancies […]


Definition There is no universal definition of isthmocele or standard characterization that clearly indicates its location and size. Most studies refer to isthmocele, cesarean scar defect, niche or diverticulum as a myometrial discontinuity or a hypoechoic triangle in the myometrium of the anterior uterine wall at the site of hysterotomy presented in transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) […]